Tag Archives: Tokyo 2020

Invest Tokyo Seminar 2016 in London



Looking to expand business in Japan?

Tokyo has everything you need to make your business a success.

Specifically, Tokyo enjoys a high global reputation for its huge market, wealth of potential business partners and highly skilled professionals, solid protection of intellectual property rights, and convenient transportation.

Using the special economic zone systems, Tokyo will be transformed into a business and innovation centre that will be even more attractive to companies around the world. Moreover, there are numerous business opportunities to be found as it prepares to host the 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games. Now is the perfect time to bring your business to Tokyo.

This seminar will provide you with an opportunity to learn about the allure of Tokyo as an investment destination, as well as various incentives and support for foreign companies.

Date & Time          Monday, 23 May 2016  2.30-4.30pm

*4.40pm- Cocktail Party and Sub Sessions

Location                 Hamilton House (Mabledon Place, London, WC1H 9BD)

Hosted by              The Tokyo Metropolitan Government

Participation Fee   Free

Programme (tentative)

•  Opening Remarks

– Mr Yoichi Masuzoe, Governor of Tokyo (video message)

– Mr Toshihiko Sakaguchi, Director General, JETRO London

•  Special Lecture

•  Tokyo: Your Key to Success in Asia(tentative)

– Ms Tomoe Otsuka, Director for National Strategic Special Zone Coordination, Tokyo Metropolitan Government

•  Introduction to Free Consulting Support and Case Studies (tentative)

– Mr Shohei Mabuchi, Senior Manager, Accenture Japan Ltd.

•  How UK Trade & Investment (UKTI) can help you develop business in Japan (tentative)

– Ms Nicola Penfold, Senior International Trade Adviser, London International Trade Team, UK Trade & Investment

•  Q&A Session
•  Cocktail Party / One-on-One Consultation

•  Sub Sessions on FinTech, Life Sciences, and IT

Who would benefit from attending
Companies who are interesed in advancing into Japan

What you will learn
– Business opportunities in Japan
– Strengths of Tokyo
– Incentives and support for foreign companies expanding to Tokyo’s special economic zones
and more

Registration is required by Monday, 16 May

Please register online at http://seminar.invest-tokyo.jp/

Please note that seating is limited and it may be subject to a lottery if applications exceeded the seating capacity of 70.

Invest Tokyo Seminar 2016 Secretariat
1st Floor, Unit 6 Aztec Row, 1 Berners Road, London N1 0PW

TEL:020 7794 1123 (Direct)

(courtesy of JETRO UK)
