Tag Archives: Tokyo 2020

Lessons from Tokyo: making space for culture

“How can cities continue to grow and attract investment while preserving their cultural infrastructure – and the vibrancy and diversity that makes them unique?” To answer this global urban question, Tokyo is one of 12 cities featured in the World Cities Culture Forum ‘Making Space for Culture’ handbook, with lessons learnt from the Kagurazaka neighbourhood revitalisation available for other cities.

The case study outlines how Kagurazaka, a Tokyo neighbourhood, was in danger of losing its unique status as a centre of Japanese traditional culture. Tokyo Metropolitan Government now funds a yearly festival, Kagurazaka Street Stage O-edo Tour, designed to raise public engagement with traditional arts and revitalise the area.

You can find out more about the Kagurazaka case study, and others, at the WCCF website.

The World Cities Culture Forum consists of 32 global cities, convened to share research and intelligence, and explore the vital role of culture in their future prosperity. Tokyo was a founding member of the forum at its inaugural summit during London 2012.
