Tag Archives: decentralisation

Research for Regional Revitalisation – our 2014/15 review

As one of CLAIR’s network of overseas offices, the JLGC London Research Team is responsible for a programme of activities aimed at providing benefit and impact for our member cities and regions in Japan. Over 2014/15 our staff were engaged in active workstreams supporting the office’s work in undertaking and commissioning policy research, as well as providing consultancy across a number of study visits to the UK and Northern Europe.

During 2014/15 our research priorities (‘CLAIR Reports’) were business cluster promotion in Germany (in partnership with Potsdam University), economic development in London (UCL) and EU rural development programmes. We also undertake regular public affairs analysis and media advisory on behalf of a range of partners in Japan and the UK. Below is a report of the team’s work and outputs across 2014/15.

Policy Research

A key part of our service to member cities and regions, the team engaged in the following research commissions during 2014/15 (authority by type in parentheses):

• The Berlin Marathon (city government)
• Berlin Smart City (city government)
• Water Management and London 2012 (city government)
• Federalism and Regionalism in Germany and the UK (prefectural government)
• Anti-Bullying in Schools (national association)
• VIP Hospitality and London 2012 (city government)
• Product Safety Standards Legislation (city government)
• Taxation on Golf Courses (ministry)
• London Financial Centre and Universities (city government)
• Business Rates (in conjunction with Inlogov) (ministry)
• London Airports during London 2012 (city government)
• National Lottery and London 2012 (city government)
• London 2012 PR (city government)
• UK Social Housing Policy and Finance (prefectural government)
• State Parliament Buildings in Germany (prefectural government)
• GLA City Diplomacy Strategy (city government)
• London 2012 Pre-Games Training Camps (prefectural government)
• UK Local Authority Personnel Systems (city government)
• UK Local Authority Constitutions (ministry)
• European Public Safety PR Campaigns (ministry)
• Disabled Access at London 2012 (city and prefectural governments)
• London Economic Data (city government)
• London 2012 and East London (various local authorities)

Study Visits

Every year the office is commissioned to arrange and facilitate a wide range of study visits on behalf of Japanese members and partners. Below is a selection of our 2014/15 activity support, listed by theme (and authority by type in parentheses):

• Community governance and local food promotion (regional research centre)
• Rugby World Cup 2015 venues and local economy (prefectural assembly)
• Local energy management and district heating in London (city government)
• Local public finances and treasury management (university)
• Programmes by cities to develop elite athletes (city government)
• London 2012 venues and associated programmes (various city governments)
• Redevelopment of train stations for office and retail use (prefectural government)
• Supporting employment for disabled people and disadvantaged groups (prefectural government)
• Local airport management and development (prefectural government)
• Community governance (urban research centre)
• Management of public buildings/assets (city government)
• Open data initiatives and digital government in the public sector (city government)
• Promotional and public relations strategies for capital cities in Europe (city government)
• Local school management and elderly care (prefectural government)
• Dementia care strategies and innovation (prefectural government)
• Regional cities’ PR and cultural promotion strategies (city government)
• Cycling policies in European cities (city government)
• Social media for cities in UK and Europe (city government)
• Sustainable tourism in Germany (prefectural government)
• High altitude sports training venues (prefectural government)
• MICE promotion in Germany (city government)
• Local school management and museums (prefectural government)
• Local energy and forestry management in Germany (prefectural government)
• Low emission cities policy in the Netherlands (prefectural government)
• Streets and urban design in the Netherlands (prefectural government)
• Transport and sustainability in Germany (regional research centre)
• Performance management and accountability in schools (university)
• Empty homes in German cities (urban research centre)
• 2012 Cultural Olympiad (prefectural government)
• Lupine habitat management (prefectural assembly)

Monthly Reports

The office regularly undertakes investigations into trends in local administration and finance, as well as local development and revitalization policies. These are then circulated among member local authorities and other Japanese partners as part of our ‘Monthly Report’ briefings service. In 2014/15 we published the following briefings:

• 2014 Local Audit and Accountability Act
• London Living Wage
• EU Migration
• BSI Smart Cities Framework
• Welsh Devolution
• UK City Diplomacy
• European Charter of Local Self-Government
• UK Local Authority Constitutions
• Scotland Independence Referendum
• Councillors’ Remuneration
• Airports Commission
• Assets of Community Value
• Emirates Airline and East London River Crossings
• Rugby World Cup 2015
• Hate Speech Legislation
• Northern Ireland Devolution
• Cities and Civil Partnerships/Marriages
• Electric Vehicles
• Remunicipalising Energy
• Greenland Regional Autonomy
• EU Youth Participation in Cities
• European Capital City Governance and Leadership
• 2014 European Parliamentary Elections
• Urban Sustainable Food Systems

We look forward to a range of collaborations and investigations around policies for revitalization, demographic change and new forms of governance in 2015.
