Japan Local Government Centre (JLGC) : London > Publications > Newsletter > Satsuma Students 150th Anniversary Visit to the UK



Satsuma Students 150th Anniversary Visit to the UK

Satsuma students with the Lord Provost of Aberdeen

Satsuma students with the Lord Provost of Aberdeen

19 young students who were chosen by local authorities in Kagoshima Prefecture on Japan’s southern island of Kyushu (by Kagoshima Prefecture, as well as the Cities of Kagoshima, Akune, Ichikikushikino and Isa), who set out for the UK staying from July 19-29 in order to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the Satsuma Clan Students arrival in London.

The original Satsuma students left Kagoshima in April 1865 during the era when travel overseas outside Japan was forbidden, in order for them to study modern science and learning in the UK.  After returning from the UK they played a pivotal role in the modernisation of Japan in the fields of diplomacy, business and education.

The young students sent out on this 2015 voyage visited areas which had hosted the original Satsuma students, as well as take part in an exchange programme at University College London (UCL) where they had studied 150 years ago, then onto meeting with expats from Kagoshima now living in the UK and participating in home stays with UK families.

At UCL they had communication workshops with UK students on the differences between British and Japanese culture, current issues in the world and similar topics.  Members of the group said that learning and knowledge was also key to this kind of opinion exchange as well as a higher level of English.

The 19 students from Kagoshima hope that taking part in these kinds of activities, such as home stays and exchanges with students their own age, to help act as a bridge to the United Kingdom, after the country hosted and educated their predecessors 150 years previously.

Kagoshima Prefecture would like to offer heartfelt thanks to UCL, Aberdeen City Council, JLGC London and all those who helped support the visit in many ways.

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