Japan Local Government Centre (JLGC) : London > Publications > Newsletter > Recruitment and Career Development of Local Government Officers in Japan   



Recruitment and Career Development of Local Government Officers in Japan   

15 Whitehall

15 Whitehall office

Recruitment Process   

In Japan, local government officers are generally recruited through competitive examinations conducted by individual local authorities based on the law. These exams are typically divided into two categories: general administrative roles and specialised positions requiring specific expertise, such as civil engineering, architecture, forestry, and pharmacy.   

Once recruited, officers generally remain employed by the same local authority throughout their careers. Those in general administrative roles gain experience by rotating through different departments, progressing to managerial positions over time. Meanwhile, those in specialised roles are initially assigned to departments that align with their expertise. However, as their careers develop, they may take on more general administrative responsibilities, and in some cases, transition into entirely different roles.   

The allocation of personnel within each local authority is managed by human resources departments, who consider organisational needs, individual preferences, and staff development.   

Recent Trends   

Recruitment for local government officers in Japan competes with private sector employment, and its popularity tends to fluctuate with economic conditions. However, in recent years, there has been a significant decline in the number of applicants for local government positions, leading to lower competition rates in recruitment exams.   

According to data from Japan’s Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC), in 2011, the national average competition rate for local government recruitment exams was 8.8 applicants per available position. By 2021, this had dropped to 5.9. In Tokyo, the competition rate was 7.5 in 2013, but fell dramatically to 2.4 in 2023 according to a data suggested by a member of a study group organised by the MIC.   

Beyond declining applicant numbers, concerns have been raised about the decreasing quality of recruits and the increasing number of young officers leaving local government roles prematurely.   

Policy Responses   

To address these challenges, various strategies are being implemented. The MIC has encouraged local authorities to broaden their recruitment strategies, including actively hiring mid-career professionals rather than focusing solely on new university graduates (which has traditionally been the norm in Japan). Other suggested measures include increasing the variety of recruitment exams and introducing joint hiring schemes across multiple local authorities.   

Some local governments have also launched initiatives to improve awareness of public sector careers among students, such as offering internship opportunities. Additionally, there have been efforts to extend age limits for recruitment to attract a wider pool of candidates.   

Lessons for and from the UK   

The UK shares some of the same recruitment challenges as Japan. However, the absence of a  statutory required recruitment exam system allows for more flexible hiring practices. Additionally, job mobility is more common in the UK, enabling local authorities to recruit experienced staff from other councils. In this respect, UK local government employment offers greater flexibility than Japan’s system.   

Despite this flexibility, recruitment difficulties persist in UK local government, suggesting that Japan could learn from the UK’s experiences. One key issue common to both countries is the need to make local government employment more attractive to high-calibre candidates.   

Recently, we had the opportunity to engage with Japanese university students visiting London, who raised questions about the role of local government officers working abroad. Our answer was as follows: since both UK and Japanese local authorities face similar challenges, sharing experiences and discussing potential solutions could benefit both countries, fostering mutual understanding and professional development. Offering work experience that extends beyond the jurisdiction of each local authority and allows their roles to be evaluated in a broader context could also enhance the appeal of local government careers.   

As recruitment pressures continue to grow, it is essential for local authorities in both Japan and the UK to explore innovative approaches to attract and retain talent, ensuring that local government remains a dynamic and rewarding career choice. 

