

JETAA UK Careers Forum 2017

On Friday 6th October JETAA UK held the Careers Forum at Asia House in London.

JETAA Careers Forum Gallery and Exhibition

JETAA Careers Forum Gallery and Exhibition

It was wonderful to welcome back all of the newly-returned JETs and the JET alumni from a range of industries and backgrounds who took part in our panel and break out discussions. The objective of the forum was to offer key advice and insight, and that little bit of encouragement, on the post-JET experience for the recent returnees.   The event was funded and partly organised by JLGC, who are the main sponsors of JETAA UK.

NGDP Presentation

NGDP Presentation

This year there was also exhibitors floor where organisations, actively looking to tap into this pool of talented and diverse individuals, were able to showcase their companies and job offerings including Toshiba of Europe Ltd., Mitsubishi Corporation International (Europe) Plc, Deloitte LLP, Intralink, Daiwa Anglo-Japanese Foundation, Teach First, Inside Japan Tours, People First Recruitment, The Dragon Trip, PS English, Local Government Association National Graduate Development Programme, as well as lots of speakers from a range of companies and organisations.

There was also a CV Clinic where experts from Reading University Career’s Service offering returnees help and support with leveraging skills learned on The JET Programme and promoting them effectively on paper.



After a productive day of discussions, exhibitions, panels, and Q&As, Japan Local Government Centre hosted a networking reception in the evening and heard from Minister Shinichi Iida, as well as from the Chair of JETAA UK, Sarah Parsons.

This year JET returnees also took part in a stamp rally competition in which one lucky returnee won the prize of a Toshiba laptop, awarded by Mr Watanabe, Senior Manager, Corporate Business Planning of Toshiba of Europe Ltd.

JLGC would like to extend deep thanks to all who attended the Careers Forum and ope that it was hugely beneficial for returnees and exhibitors alike, in particular those JET alumni volunteers who helped on the day by organising and speaking, and help support the objectives of the JET Programme and the bonds between Japan and the UK at a grass roots and professional level.


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