

The Future of Cities

The Future of Cities conference will be held at Chatham House, London 8-9 February. Among the speakers is Teruyuki Ohno, Director General for Climate Strategy at Tokyo Metropolitan Government.


Japanese lessons

The Regeneration and Renewal blog has a post on what the UK can learn from Japanese innovation.


Visit to Local Government Association

The Governor of Yamanashi Prefecture, Shōmei Yokouchi, as well as five officials of Yamanashi Prefectural Government and two from Japan Local Government Centre in London, visited the Local Government Association (UK) on 14 January. The topic for discussion was local government action on climate change in the UK.


Japan opts for UK model of public sector reform

The Guardian‘s Public website has an article on how the new government of Japan is considering introducing UK-style performance management to the public sector.


World Mayor

Japan has two mayors nominated on this year’s World Mayor prize longlist, Tadatoshi Akiba of Hiroshima and Daisaku Kadokawa of Kyoto.


Tokyo City Promotion

This year’s Tokyo City Promotion event in London, organised by Tokyo Metropolitan Government, will be held 30 and 31 January at the Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre.


Visit to Middlesbrough

Assistant Director Seiki Kimura visited Middlesbrough Council in North East England to research human resources management on 7 and 8 January.


Japanese local government in the news

The December 2009/January 2010 issue of Monocle features an extensive profile of the mayor of Nagasaki, Tomihisa Taue.


Devolving Japan

On December 14 the Japanese Cabinet agreed a plan for regional devolutionary reform. The meeting also agreed, following discussions with local government representatives, to legislate in the coming session to mark out further the division of responsibilities between national and local government and adopt a strategic outline on devolution by summer 2010. Governor Wataru Aso […]


Cities act

The Climate Summit for Mayors was held in Copenhagen this week, alongside the United Nations Climate Change Conference COP15. In attendance were Tokyo’s Vice Governor Inose and Mayor Kadokawa of Kyoto.