The Japan-British Exhibition of 1910: A historical re-assessment 100 years on
There will be a lecture featuring the 1910 Japan-British Exhibition on 16 June 2010 from 6.30pm at the Japan Foundation in Russell Square, London. Featured in March’s issue of ‘Myriad Leaves’, the exhibition celebrates its 100th anniversary this year. According to the Japan Foundation website events page, the lecture will bring together a range of […]
PricewaterhouseCoopers recently published their third annual Cities of Opportunity study, which takes a quantitative and qualitative look at the emerging picture of city life in 21 capitals of business, finance and culture worldwide. It found that: Capital market centers. Many of the cities included are hubs of commerce, communications and culture. But all are financial […]
Japan and Tokyo’s autonomy architect
The former Governor of Tokyo Shunichi Suzuki died last Friday, according to several sources. As well as overseeing the relocation of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government complex to Shinjuku from the government district of Chiyoda in 1991, the four term governor (1979-1995) also laid the foundations of Japan’s post-war system of local autonomy as an official […]
Staff of the Japan Local Government Centre visited Spelthorne Borough Council in Surrey yesterday. The staff were invited by the council to observe the running of the general election for the constituency and were able to gain insights into the administration of elections in the UK. Guided by 2008 Japan Study Tour participant Michael Graham, […]
Lewisham’s Young Mayor featured on NHK
The Japanese broadcaster NHK featured a special on Lewisham’s Young Mayor, 16-year-old Jacob Sakil, last month. The television show Kodawari Life Europe (A Determined Life – Europe) featured the Young Mayor and his work in Lewisham, introducing the Young Mayor role and the work he is doing in the area to make it better for […]
Mitsuhiro Nakamura, Business Development Manager at the Think London agency, will address a meeting of Japanese officials at the offices of the Japan Local Government Centre today, on the topic of ‘Think London and future promotion of investments in the UK’. The talk is part of JLGC’s regular Speaker Series, where outside experts address staff […]
There will be a Japanese Garden Party held in Hammersmith Park on Sunday 23rd May. The park is located behind the BBC Television Centre near Westfield Shopping Centre. The Japanese garden in Hammersmith Park is a relic of the 1910 Japan-British Exhitibion and was featured in our latest issue of Myriad Leaves. The restoration of […]
A delegation of Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly members were accompanied by Nobuharu Hikiba of JLGC (seconded from Tokyo Metropolitan Government) to a series of appointments in London this week. The group visited the London Assembly, where they met with Assembly Member James Cleverly, Chair of London Food Rosie Boycott and the London Development Agency’s Group Director […]
Inlogov and Japan partnerships
Professor Nakamura and Associate Professor Masao Kikuchi from the Department of Public Management at Meiji University visited Inlogov at the University of Birmingham in March to sign a memorandum of understanding between the two universities. They also took part in a roundtable discussion on Trust chaired by Simon Baddeley, attended by Eileen Dunstan, Chris Game, […]
Building a Sustainable Solid Waste System
The C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group Waste Workshop took place at London City Hall this week. Among the speakers were Yasuo Furusawa, Deputy Director of Resource Recovery Section, Waste Management Division, Tokyo Metropolitan Government (‘Tokyo Super Eco-Town Project and the Role of Gasification’) and Natsuko Matsuoka, Zero Waste Academy, Japan (‘Building Zero Waste Communities’).