【INFO】Call for Nominations of Candidates for the 3rd Yakamochi Medal
Toyama Prefecture is known as the place where the most important eighth-century Japanese poet, Otomo no Yakamochi, composed many splendid poems. He compiled his poems and those of local people into Japan’s oldest surviving anthology of poetry, Manyoshu, which has been read for generations for around 1,300 years. In 2017, on the commemoration of the […]
【NEW】Japanese regions line up at World Travel Market London
Staged annually in London, the 2022 edition of World Travel Market – the leading global event for the travel industry – returns to ExCel London this week from 7-9 November. Following the recent lifting of restrictions on travel to Japan, at World Travel Market London there will be representatives from Tokyo, Fukui, Gifu, Hokkaido, Northern Kyushu (Fukuoka, Nagasaki, Oita, […]
【NEW】Tokyo Metropolitan Government International Affairs Email newsletter
Tokyo Metropolitan Government regularly publishes articles about pioneering policies and initiatives, as well as the attractions of Tokyo including its nature and culture, regularly issuing and sending an English newsletter to some 70 leading cities overseas and all of the embassies and representative offices in Tokyo. New editions of ‘WHAT’S UP’ are now available online […]
The Consumer Policy Department of the Tokushima Prefectural Government is promoting consumer administration and education initiatives in cooperation with the Consumer Affairs Agency’s Strategic Headquarters for Frontiers of Consumer Policy, a Japanese governmental body established in Tokushima Prefecture as a national hub of policy development and international operations in consumer administration. The Tokushima International Consumer’s […]
【INFO】Tokyo-London Green Finance Seminar 2022: Call for Participants
Tuesday, 25 October 2022, 10:30am-12:00pm BST (6:30pm-8:00pm JST) Online and in-person (Tokyo) We are pleased to inform you that “Tokyo-London Green Finance Seminar 2022”, organized jointly by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government (TMG), the British Embassy in Japan, and the City of London Corporation. Now in its fifth edition, this year’s seminar will connect Tokyo and […]
UK Multicultural Communities Policy Exchange Programme to start 2023
The United Kingdom has historically accepted a large number of migrants and based on the idea of multiculturalism, government, local communities, NGOs, etc. are each developing various measures. We believe that these diverse examples of initiatives in the UK will serve as a great reference for local governments in Japan. Therefore, from 2023, CLAIR will hold […]
【NEW】Tokyo Metropolitan Government International Affairs Email newsletter
Tokyo Metropolitan Government regularly publishes articles about pioneering policies and initiatives, as well as the attractions of Tokyo including its nature and culture, regularly issuing and sending an English newsletter to some 70 leading cities overseas and all of the embassies and representative offices in Tokyo. A new edition of ‘WHAT’S UP’ is now available […]
JET Alumni Careers Fair 2022 – 28 September (online)
The JET Careers Fair is returning again this year and will take place on 28 September 2022 (11:00 to 16:30 BST), in collaboration with the Embassy of Japan in the UK and Japan Local Government Centre (CLAIR London). Whether you are looking for information on finding a job after returning to the UK, or just […]
JLGC continues to support the international activities and research requests from various local governments in Japan. In recent months, several commissions have included: • The role and competences of Combined Authorities in England • The activities of the intra-city metropolitan alliances and an overview of metropolitan systems in the UK and Europe • International forums […]
【INFO】The 12th Iwate Manga Award Contest
The 12th Iwate Manga Award contest seeks to use manga as a medium to promote the many appeals of the prefecture and to share Iwate’s brilliant manga culture. All entries must be original works that have not been previously submitted or published, and must also be based on Iwate. All genres are accepted, and competitors […]