


当事務所のアンドリュー・スティーブンス調査員の著書「The Politico’s Guide to Local Government」(2006年刊)の日本語訳版が、「英国地方自治入門」との表題で、2011年5月2日に芦書房より出版されました。訳者は国士舘大学の石見豊准教授です。


UK ex-JET participant flies to Japan to help tsunami relief efforts

The Japan Times published a story today featuring trainee accountant Luke Dunn, a former Japanese Exchange and Teaching (JET) Programme participant from London, who flew out to Iwate Prefecture in the wake of March 11’s earthquake and tsunami to assist with relief efforts. According to the Japan Times interview, Dunn taught English in the town […]


Visits to Belfast, Cardiff and Edinburgh

JLGC staff visited Belfast, Cardiff and Edinburgh in April as part of research into the elections for the devolved administrations on May 5. As well as the electoral authorities, they visited the three city councils for the devolved capitals and in Edinburgh were received by the Lord Provost. Read more about Japan’s links with these […]


Local Japan: Case Studies in Place Promotion

This week, JLGC has published two case studies on how local government in Japan has used distinctiveness of place in order to revitalize local economies. The first concerns how local governments have used regional produce and PR initiatives in order to market themselves domestically, regionally and internationally (PDF here), while the second concentrates on local […]


Mayor of Osaka sends out open letter to the world

The Mayor of Osaka, Kunio Hiramatsu, has written an open letter to the world declaring Osaka’s health and encouraging visitors and businesses to support Japan by visiting Osaka: The City of Osaka is moving forward to promote business, culture, entertainment, and tourism as ever before, and I urge you to also help Japan’s recovery by […]


Inlogov briefs on ‘Hureai Kippu’

The March 2011 Inlogov briefing by Dr Sachiko Nakagawa, Dr. Rosario Laratta and Prof. Tony Bovaird examines the ‘successful’ Japanese initiative of hureai kippu (Caring Relationship Ticket Scheme) and its adoption by ‘Big Society’ advocates for its encouragement of volunteering. The briefing gives an evidence-based history of the scheme in detail and the lessons it […]


Cool Japan: using pop culture as soft power

Roland Kelts, professor at Tokyo University and columnist for the Daily Yomiuri (and former JET), spoke to Japanese officials at JLGC this week about Japan’s use of pop culture to promote the country and its interests around the world.  Roland has also written recently on Tokyo’s city branding for the book City Branding – Theory and […]


Decentralization, Local Bonds and Large Cities in Japan

The Institute for Comparative Studies in Local Governance (COSLOG) was established within the National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS) of Japan in 2006 and is associated with our parent body, the Council of Local Authorities for International Relations (CLAIR). Each year the Project on Comparative Studies in Local Governance disseminates information on research results […]


JET Programme shows the value of Public Diplomacy

The University of Southern California Center on Diplomacy blog has posted an article by Emily T. Metzgar, journalism professor at the University of Indiana and former JET participant. The article is a considered approach to the role of the Japan Exchange and Teaching (JET) Programme  public diplomacy and a look at the value of such […]


Tokyo to bid for 2020 Olympics

The newly re-elected governor of Tokyo Shintaro Ishihara has announced his intention to make Tokyo the host of the 2020 Olympics as part of Japan’s recovery from the earthquake and tsunami last month. The BBC reports that Tokyo will be submitted along with bids from Berlin, Busan, Cape Town, Doha, Rome and Istanbul for consideration […]