

Update from Tohoku: Iwate, Fukushima and Sendai

The following links to newsletters update the situation in North Eastern Japan, known in Japan as Tohoku, the region hit by the earthquake and tsunami in March. You can read the latest editions by NPOs and local government here for Fukushima, Iwate and Sendai City.


London-Tokyo Training

This autumn our office will host two short term trainees from our Tokyo headquarters, who will use their stay in London to research tourism promotion and heritage asset policies to benefit their home local authorities in Arakawa Ward, Tokyo and Nagoya City. During this time they will visit London Boroughs, London Open House/Open City, London […]


Shizuoka: a Monozukuri City

Shizuoka City and JLGC are supporting the Asian Creative Culture event, which takes place at the following London venues/events: RED GALLERY 22 (Thu) – 24 (Sat) September 2011 TENT LONDON 22 (Thu) – 25 (Sun) September 2011 Co-Sponsors: CCC (the center for creative communications), SCV (Shizuoka Content Valley) Cooperation: B-nest (Shizuoka City Industry-University Exchange Center), […]


David Warren: Trip to Tohoku

British Ambassador to Japan David Warren writes a personal blog on his recent trip to the coastal towns devastated by the tsunami. Included were visits to Kamaishi, Rikuzen-Takata and Kesennuma (in Miyagi Prefecture) to see the recovery and reconstruction work that is going on, and some of the organisations that may benefit from the £600,000 […]


Germany’s urban future: JLGC analysis

Each month JLGC writes and translates into Japanese timely analysis of topics on German urban and local affairs. Recent topics include the German Institute of Urban Affairs’ second edition of climate policy guide for local authorities, ‘Launch of large-scale ‘showcase regions’ for electro-mobility’, ‘Bonn 20 years after losing capital status’ and ‘Coping with shrinking rural […]


Japan is back in business

The British Embassy in Tokyo writes: Over the coming months, 20 of the most innovative and dynamic Japanese companies are flying to the UK to help re-energise post-earthquake UK-Japan trade and investment links. The 20 companies (out of 120 who applied) who received the awards are just a small sample of the demand for UK […]


Outside looking in

The Asahi Weekly has recently carried a series of stories which focus on tourist destinations in Japan that are particularly popular among certain groups of foreign tourists. The first looks at why Hiroshima continues to draw American visitors, while Germans continue to flock to Tokushima a century after WW1 through its POW links. The secluded […]


The Only Wa is Essex

The Japanese community in the Essex city of Colchester held their ‘Wa’ Matsuri (summer festival) last weekend in aid of the Tohoku earthquake and tsunami. Below are pictures from the event, which included taiko drumming and Japanese food tasting. Links between Colchester and Japan have also been strengthened in recent years by the hosting of […]


CLAIR on LinkedIn

You can now follow the Council of Local Authorities for International Relations (our parent organisation in Japan) ‘company page’ on the LinkedIn network. Simply click here and then ‘follow’. We’re also on Facebook and Twitter.


The Recovery in Fukushima

Fukushima Prefecture’s community groups are pushing forward with the recovery from the earthquake. Fukushima International Association (FIA) has been working towards recovery with the creation of a newsletter ‘Recovering Fukushima – The present situation‘.  The FIA seeks to provide up-to-date information on the present condition of Fukushima prefecture, its people, and of the nuclear power plant situation. […]