

Tropical Japan

JLGC is proud to be supporting this year’s Okinawa Day, which will be held on Saturday 22 June at London’s Spitalfields Market. Last year’s Okinawa Day saw 8,000 visitors — this year dance, martial arts and music performance will once again showcase the unique culture and food of Japan’s southernmost island prefecture. Learn more about […]



By Atsuko Yamaguchi, Assistant Director. Last week several staff attended an event organised at the Daiwa Anglo-Japanese Foundation (DAJF) to promote greater understanding of Japanese sake culture and its economic importance. Chaired by Minister Kawakami of the Embassy of Japan in London (who is seconded from the Ministry of Finance, which has responsibility for taxation […]


Public Seminar – From Kobe to Tohoku: Civic Responses to Disasters in Japan

Friday 29th March 2:30pm Japan Foundation, London The Japan Foundation is pleased to present this special public seminar to mark the two year anniversary of the Great East Japan Earthquake. Dr Simon Avenell (Australian National University) will examine the role played by volunteers following the triple disaster. In particular, he will trace the evolution of […]


City governance: lessons from English cities

This week JLGC assisted a visit to English cities by former JLGC Director Shigeru Naiki, who is now a Professor within the Department of Regional Economics at Teikyo University in Japan. Professor Naiki visited Birmingham, Bristol and Liverpool to research the consequences of the Localism Act on their city governance, in particular the elected mayor […]


Japanese economic growth plan shows the benefits of local autonomy

A participant on JLGC’s recent Japan Study Tour to Nagasaki, Guardian Local Government Network editor Hannah Fearn has a piece in today’s Society Guardian on Nagasaki’s green deal: “Yet, unlike many British cities, Nagasaki has a convincing vision for its future. Its prefectural government (comparable to a large county council or combined regional authority) has set out a […]


Future Cities We Want

At the Rio+20 UN Conference on Sustainable Development last year, the Government of Japan was the lead organiser of the ‘Future Cities We Want – Linking and Spreading Sustainable Future Cities’ side event (alongside Tokyo Metropolitan Government and the City of Yokohama), which examined the potential for Japan’s own ‘FutureCity’ Initiative as a means through […]


Japan400: from the high seas to the high street

Japan400 marks the 400th anniversary of the first contacts between Britain and Japan, recalling the voyage of the East India Company to Japan in 1613 which led to a successful and stable relationship between our two island nations, which endures and prospers to this day. What began with an exchange of gifts between the British […]


Local Japan: Cycle Hire Schemes

We have now produced a ‘Local Japan’ briefing detailing the scale and presence of local cycle hire schemes in Japan, including an overview of their size and ubiquity. Click here to read (PDF) The briefing was assembled by Keisuke Hamada during his time on secondment to our office studying the London Cycle Hire Scheme, using […]


Event: After the Tsunami – Rebuilding Tohoku

Film event and panel discussion at SOAS. Time: 14:00 – 16:00 + networking time from 16:00-16:45. Date: Sun, 11 November 2012 A one day film and talk event attended by Governor of Miyagi Yoshihiro Murai, the prefecture in Japan hit hardest by the 2011 tsunami and earthquake, will be held in London at SOAS reflecting […]


Creative Tokyo update

Japan’s Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) has published an update on its ‘Promotion of the Cool Japan Strategy and Creative Tokyo Project’ (PDF). As a part of such initiatives, METI will promote the ‘Creative Tokyo’ project in the capital city as a showcase of Japanese creative industries. Related ministries and agencies, shopping districts, […]