JLGC is proud to be again supporting this year’s Okinawa Day, which will be held on Saturday 21 June at London’s Spitalfields Market. Previous Okinawa Days have seen as many as 8,000 visitors — this year dance, martial arts and music performance will once again showcase the unique culture and food of Japan’s southernmost island […]
As part of our on-going research work for the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games, JLGC staff (including from Tokyo Metropolitan Government) visited Thames Water’s non-potable water recycling plant at Old Ford, East London last week. As well as inspecting the facility, set up as part of the Olympic Delivery Authority’s ‘Sustainable Water Strategy’ (which had a […]
A dynamic strategic partnership for the 21st century
As part of his two day visit to the UK on May 1 and 2 by Prime Minister Shinzo Abe of Japan, the two governments issued the UK-Japan Joint Statement: A dynamic strategic partnership for the 21st century following a meeting at UK Prime Minister David Cameron’s official residence 10 Downing Street. The Joint Statement, […]
No more lonely deaths: our promise to the older people of Adachi, Japan
This week JLGC researcher Hannah Waterson has an article on the Guardian Local Leaders network looking at how a pioneering project in Adachi, Tokyo is combating social isolation in a country with one of the world’s largest ageing populations. The article examines how the partnership-led approach of Adachi ward aims to prevent elderly residents from […]
Tokyo has joined other global cities with its own city top-level domain name, .tokyo, following several years developing a tool it hopes will propel the metropolis to new heights in global communications ahead of the 2020 Olympic Games. The capital follows Japan’s first city domain, .nagoya for the City of Nagoya launched in February, and […]
Local government in Japan: a comparison with the UK
This week JLGC Director Yuichiro Hanyu has an article on the Guardian website looking at how, in many ways, the experience of being a local authority chief executive in Japan is very similar to those of senior officers in UK local authorities. The article contrasts between Japan and the UK protection for senior officers, the […]
Invest in Japan: a Regional Roadmap
1 May 2014 09.00 (registration from 08.30) to 12.30, followed by networking reception Institute of Directors, Pall Mall, London SW1 Free to attend, register here (by April 25) Speakers include Norihiko Ishiguro (Vice-Minister for International Affairs, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry), Fumiko Hayashi (Mayor of Yokohama), Kizo Hisamoto (Mayor of Kobe), Soichiro Takashima (Mayor […]
JLGC and the Society for Local Authority Chief Executives (SOLACE) will hold a joint seminar – ‘Local Growth, Global Links’ on March 11. This free event will bring together leading Chief Executives, LEP members and business leaders to share their experiences for building partnerships outside the UK to build local economic growth. Using Japan as […]
20 Years of Berlin-Tokyo City Partnership
Last week several JLGC staff, including Chihiro Sakurai (Assistant Director, seconded from Tokyo Metropolitan Government, TMG) and Andrew Stevens, were guests of the Senate Chancellery of the Governing Mayor of Berlin (Directorate for Protocol and International Relations) for a visit to examine policies around smart cities, which coincided with a concert and ceremony to commemorate […]
Ageing population: what can the UK learn from overseas?
This week’s Guardian Society supplement features a piece by former Japan Study Tour participant Hannah Fearn on transferable policy lessons for the UK from overseas on how to cope with the challenges posed by an ageing society. The article includes commentary on a ‘zero isolation’ project in Japan by JLGC’s Andrew Stevens and can be […]