In 2014 CLAIR published a Directory (Japanese only) which mapped JLGC’s responsible countries’ capital cities governance and their participation in transnational city networks. We have now updated this (also in Japanese) to provide an update on London’s deep involvement with and initiation of a ‘5 C’s’ of city networks, as part of its ‘globally fluent’ […]
Japan’s City Networks and Connecting Healthy Cities
Ahead of this week’s World Health Organisation (WHO) European Healthy Cities Network annual conference in Kuopio, Finland, the City Leadership Initiative of University College London has published a discussion paper for the event, looking at the role of health in city diplomacy. In considering the improvement of leadership and participatory health governance by cities, the […]
JLGC was delighted to be invited to support this year’s MJ Growth Agenda conference in central London, following the support given to our own events recently with the MJ’s Michael Burton and Heather Jameson both chairing our last two seminars in the capital. Though aimed at UK local authorities and Local Enterprise Partnerships, the event […]
Investment opportunities for London and Tokyo
A seminar on investment opportunities in London held at the Embassy of Japan today heard from senior city leaders and diplomats on the investment profile of the British capital and the prospects for bilateral investment and export links between the UK and Japan. Organised by the Greater London Authority and its promotional agency London and […]
Tokyo 2020 to promote Japan’s distinctive regional cultural offer
Tokyo Metropolitan Government (TMG) has released its ‘Tokyo Vision for Arts and Culture’ to announce the basic direction of Tokyo’s cultural policies, looking ahead to the 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games and beyond. This complements other global strategies for promoting Tokyo to the world, such as last year’s ‘Basic Strategy for City Diplomacy’ and more […]
‘Tokyo Brand’ is new branding project by Tokyo Metropolitan Government to establish Tokyo as a powerful destination, with Tokyo 2020 and beyond in mind. Tokyo is the centre of the world’s attention now due to Tokyo 2020. Therefore, TMG wants to rediscover Tokyo’s appeal and communicate the Tokyo brand to the world with confidence. As part […]
Knowledge Exchange for Creative Cities in Japan and Europe
A global network of creative cities supported by UNESCO has met in the Japanese city of Kanazawa to agree a platform of actions aimed at furthering knowledge exchange for urban cultural development. The UNESCO Creative Cities Network (CCN), which was set up in 2004 to promote creativity as a strategic factor for sustainable development, has six […]
Cities and Local Government Devolution – reforms for Japan’s ageing society
In 2012 a new law was passed by Japan’s national parliament to allow urban areas (see ‘New law for Japanese megacities’) to shift to a new form of metropolitan wider area governance from 2015, should local governments and their citizens want this. Subsequently a referendum was held under the law in the city of Osaka […]
Recruitment: ‘Kobe City Overseas Business Coordinator’
The City of Kobe Government (the City) is currently in the process of recruiting a ‘Kobe City Overseas Business Coordinator’ contractor position (either the City as a corporate company client, or employing a self-employed consultant). The role will be to report to the City with up-to-date market information from a target region, and the successful candidate […]
Research for Regional Revitalisation – our 2014/15 review
As one of CLAIR’s network of overseas offices, the JLGC London Research Team is responsible for a programme of activities aimed at providing benefit and impact for our member cities and regions in Japan. Over 2014/15 our staff were engaged in active workstreams supporting the office’s work in undertaking and commissioning policy research, as well […]