Facing Disasters: International Disaster Management and Humanitarian Responses
28/07/2016, 13:00 – 20:00 Cruciform B304 Lecture Theatre, University College London Registration: The symposium is free of charge but prior registration is required via Eventbrite. Overview Disasters occur in many parts of the world every year. Based on experience from the Great East-Japan Earthquake and Tsunami in 2011, the aim of this public symposium is to […]
Heritage project uncovers forgotten chapter of Anglo-Japanese history
PRESS RELEASE A UK heritage project will take audiences on a journey through Anglo-Japanese history, celebrating the North East’s strong links with Japan through dance, music, film and literature. Funded by Heritage Lottery Fund and produced by internationally-renowned Surface Area Dance Theatre Company (SADTC), in collaboration with researcher Adam Denton, Project Godie will bring to […]
G7 Parallel Session: ‘The Role of Cities’
Alongside the recent G7 Summit held in Japan last month, a Parallel Session on ‘The Role of Cities’ was held in the city of Toyama on 15 May, convened by the Ministry of the Environment, Toyama City Government, the G7 Toyama Environment Ministers’ Meeting Cooperation Committee and the Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES). The […]
Manga Kingdom Tottori International Comic Art Contest
The 5th Annual Manga Kingdom Tottori International Comic Art Contest Call for Submissions is now open. Details can be found HERE.
Japan’s Plan for Dynamic Engagement of All Citizens
This month the Government of Japan published its Plan for the Dynamic Engagement of All Citizens. As well as noting progress made under its signature ‘Abenomics’ growth strategy, the Plan goes some way towards detailing measures the government intends to put in place in order to tackle Japan’s declining birth rate and ageing population. To […]
Hida-Takayama Contemporary Woodblock-Prints TRIENNALE 2017
Since ancient times, the culture of Hida Takayama has been intimately connected with the surrounding forests. One of the popular artistic traditions that our region has given birth to is known as Hida Woodblock-Prints. Although based on traditional techniques passed down over generations, this art form allows for limitless creative expression. Hida Takayama Contemporary Woodblock-Prints […]
Celebrating 30 Years of the JET Programme – JET Arigato Campaign
Have you had exciting and unique experiences, met interesting people, and made new discoveries while on the JET Programme? Then you should consider participating in the JET Programme Arigato Campaign! We will be accepting typed, voice, and video messages, as well as photos, to commemorate the Programme’s 30th anniversary and say thank you to members […]
Governance Informalities in Disaster Response: a UCL Discussion at JLGC
A lecture was organised for JLGC staff on the forthcoming field research in Japan by Rocio Carrero, Research Associate at the City Leadership Initiative (CLI) within UCL STEaPP. Dr Carrero’s research project focuses on the Informal Governance Systems (IGS) which are constituted by individuals and groups connected to each other by non-institutional channels, such as […]
The Stockton Story: a Japanese Investment Promotion Case Study
Located in the North East of England, Stockton-on-Tees Borough Council is now marketing itself as a world-class business location which offers a great place to live, work and visit. It is home to a number of highly successful Japanese-owned businesses that have enjoyed what they consider a warm welcome and strong level of support from […]
The Governance of City Branding in Europe
The latest in an occasional series of research surveys on the governance of European capital cities among JLGC’s responsible countries has now been published by CLAIR. This latest Directory summarises and analyses the governance of city branding among capital cities of JLGC’s responsible countries, benchmarked against London itself. These are Amsterdam, Berlin, Copenhagen, Dublin, Helsinki, […]