

Manga Kingdom Tottori International Comic Art Contest

  The 6th Annual Manga Kingdom Tottori International Comic Art Contest Call for Submissions is now open. Details can be found HERE.


World Cities Financing Culture: Tokyo

The first ever global comparative study to examine the financing of culture in world cities has been published by the World Cities Culture Forum (WCCF). The World Cities Culture Finance Report looks at how much is spent on culture in world cities, by whom, and where that money goes. The report, which, includes a full […]


Tokyo 2020 to Team Up with Rugby World Cup 2019

PRESS RELEASE The Tokyo 2020 Organising Committee (Tokyo 2020) and the Rugby World Cup 2019 Organising Committee signed a landmark collaboration agreement today under which the two organisations will exchange knowledge and resources in order to maximise benefits for their respective sporting events – two of the world’s biggest – being hosted in Japan over […]


Event – Sport and Diplomacy: Looking Towards Tokyo 2020

15 May 2017, 5:30-9:00 PM Brunei Gallery Room, Brunei Gallery Lecture Theatre, SOAS University of London, Russell Square, London WC1H 0XG Keynote Speakers: Tetsuya Kimura (Director-General, Japan Sports Agency) Dr Helen Macnaughtan (Chair, SOAS Japan Research Centre) Dr J Simon Rofe (SOAS University of London) Organiser: SOAS Japan Research Centre, The Japan Foundation and the […]


Nikkei Glocal: ‘Promoting London after Brexit’

An article by JLGC’s Andrew Stevens has been published in the latest (April 17) edition of the Japanese public executive magazine Nikkei Glocal (‘Promoting London after Brexit’). The article looks at the moves taken by London in the wake of Brexit, particularly around recalibrating its city promotion activities against emergent competition from other European capitals, including the […]


Is Japan turning intercultural?

This article was originally published on Intercultural Cities. The Japanese Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, which is in charge of local government, produced a report on good practices of intercultural cohesion at the local level in March 2017. The report was drafted by a group of nine experts on migrant integration, chaired by Professor […]


New case studies showcase Tokyo and Yokohama’s world-leading city solutions

The C40 Cities Group has this week launched its new Case Study Library – making it easier than ever for city officials, researchers, and urban stakeholders to explore the growing collection of more than 500 unique, world-leading solutions taking place across the C40 cities. This includes case studies from Japan’s C40 member cities Tokyo and […]


Tokyo launch for Anglo-Japanese heritage project

Project Godie, a multi-platform heritage programme celebrating the North East of England’s strong historic links to Japan through dance, music, film and literature, comes to Tokyo next month, with a launch event held on May 19 in the city’s Minami-Aoyama district. The event takes place from 7.30pm at the Art & Space Cococara (202 Kudo […]


Wonder NIPPON! Concept Book of Japan Brand Values

PRESS RELEASE As the 2020 Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games approach, worldwide interest in Japan appears to be growing. In response, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) released a concept book, aiming to convey Japan’s unique sensibilities and values to the rest of the world as the foundation of commodities and services provided […]


Maniwa City lacquerware event to be held in London

Friday 10 March 2017 6:00pm – 8:00pm Daiwa Anglo-Japanese Foundation 13/14 Cornwall Terrace, Outer Circle (entrance facing Regent’s Park), London NW1 4QP The Hiruzen Plateau in Maniwa City, Okayama Prefecture, is visited by over two million tourists per year. Gobara, a small village hidden away in one of the plateau’s corners, is home to Gobara […]