

Online International Activity of UK Local Authorities 2017

Since the June 2016 referendum result to leave the European Union, or Brexit, local authorities in the UK have been left with multiple challenges in securing trade and international connections. As UK central government shifts power to the local level through devolution, new forms of city diplomacy are sometimes proposed as a means to create […]


Japan Decentralisation Report – November 2017

Following the Japanese General Election of 22 October 2017, the Liberal Democratic Party-led government of Shinzo Abe received a fourth term of office, sworn in as Prime Minister on November 1 and the Cabinet inaugurated that day also. During November there were a number of national government events related to decentralisation and local autonomy, which […]


Staff Training Visit to National Coastal Tourism Academy, Bournemouth

On 15 November 2017, seven Japanese staff members who had yet to complete a year at the JLGC London office visited the National Coastal Tourism Academy (NCTA) in Bournemouth for their first staff training visit. The purpose of the visit was to broaden the staff’s knowledge of best practice carried out by organisations related to […]


Tokyo 2020 to Join Forces with Rugby World Cup 2019 and World Masters Games 2021 Kansai

The Tokyo Organising Committee of the Olympic and Paralympic Games (Tokyo 2020), the Rugby World Cup 2019 Organising Committee and the Organising Committee of the Kansai World Masters Games 2021 today entered into a partnership agreement under which the three organisations will exchange knowledge and expertise in order to maximise the benefits and impact of […]


European Cities join with Global Partners at EU-backed City to City Event

New partnerships between European cities and cities across the world were formally launched on 10 November in Brussels (Belgium) under the European Union’s International Urban Cooperation (IUC) programme. The one-day event saw more than 120 delegates both from the EU and from China, India, Japan and North and South America. The event saw presentations from […]


[Information] “Global Financial City: Tokyo” Vision

The Tokyo Metropolitan Government (TMG), in collaboration with the national government, private sector, and others, is advancing initiatives to revitalize the financial sector in order to win back Tokyo’s position as the top global financial city in Asia. In November 2017, in order for Tokyo to shine as the world’s leading global financial city, the […]


‘Tokyo to the Tees’: new Exhibition on Middlesbrough and Japan

Until 31 December Dorman Museum, Linthorpe Road, Middlesbrough TS5 6LA A new exhibition on Teesside further unravels the history of the area’s historic but often forgotten connection to Japan. ‘From Tokyo to the Tees’ commemorates the 140th anniversary of celebrated Victorian designer Christopher Dresser’s historic visit to Japan, which led to the birth of the […]


[Information] Blockchain Business Camp Tokyo (Invest Tokyo)

The Tokyo Metropolitan Government (TMG) has been actively working to attract foreign companies to raise international competitiveness and bring about further growth for the city by promoting the creation of a more business-friendly environment for overseas businesses and startups. Building on its efforts to date, the TMG will hold for the first time, the Blockchain […]


World Travel Market at JLGC – Lessons in Destination Management From Kent

World Travel Market took place in London this week, with the world’s leading destinations gathered in one place to promote themselves to the world and discuss trends and innovations in an evolving sector. Against this backdrop and with several Japanese local areas well represented at the event, JLGC held the first in a series of […]


Survey on Urban Attractiveness on Behalf of Kobe City – Please Complete

Kadokawa Research Labs, on behalf of the City of Kobe, is carrying out a questionnaire concerning urban attractiveness regarding your city (in UK or Europe). Your feedback will be used for urban planning in the city of Kobe and we appreciate your cooperation. You can complete the short survey here. Information: Kobe City homepage (English)