Japan Local Government Centre (JLGC) London > David Cameron meets with Keidanren at Downing Street


David Cameron meets with Keidanren at Downing Street

UK Prime Minister David Cameron met members of Japan’s Business Federation the Keidanren last week at a meeting hosted by Business Secretary Vince Cable. According to an announcement by the British Embassy in Tokyo, the Prime Minister said that the UK had long been the recipient of Japanese investment:

“The first wave of companies had transformed our industrial base and we were proud to have Japanese firms in Britain. Japanese inward investment made a significant impact to the UK economy, directly contributing to over 100,000 jobs.  The UK is committed to maintaining this level of investment, and increasing opportunities for British firms in Japan, our biggest trade partner outside Europe, China and the US.”

At the meeting they discussed new areas for growth and cooperation in future, and the defence sector was one which might hold opportunities for new partnerships to form:

“We strongly supported the bid by Eurofighter Typhoon which we believed would help meet Japan’s future defence needs, and also offered extensive technology transfer and industrial collaboration opportunities to Japanese industry.”

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