Category Archives: Economic Exchange

Sakura in Fukushima

2 April – 11 April 2019

Embassy of Japan, 101-104 Piccadilly, London W1J 7JT

Taking the theme of sakura, cherry blossom, as a metaphor for the rejuvenation of Fukushima following the triple disaster of 2011, NHK Fukushima established the Fukushima Sakura Photo Contest, which also served to highlight the beauty and diversity of the prefecture. This special exhibition has been arranged in recognition of the immense support British people have shown Fukushima since 2011, and will present some of the best photos from the last 7 years of the Contest. The exhibition will contextualise these photos within the circumstances in which they were taken; as signals of Fukushima Prefecture’s recovery.

The photos will be presented alongside a Virtual Reality installation that will allow visitors to experience strolling through Fukushima; transporting them to idyllic scenes from around the prefecture. Discover the unknown story of Fukushima as told through photos, technology, and video.

This event will be co-organised by NHK Fukushima and the Embassy of Japan in the UK in association with Fukushima Prefecture Association in London and The Great Britain Sasakawa Foundation.
