Category Archives: Economic Exchange

UNISON extends sympathy to Japanese people

The staff of the Japan Local Government Centre would like to thank those who have sent individual messages of condolences following the recent events in Japan, as well as those local authorities which have undertaken specific actions in their own council area to acknowledge the scale of the disaster and its effects on all residents of Japan.

Public services trade union UNISON have today issued a press release, reprinted in full:

UNISON has just sent condolences to sister unions in Japan following the devastating earthquake and tsunami that hit the country last Friday.

Offering “whatever assistance we can”, UNISON general secretary Dave Prentis said: “It is at times like these that the importance and value of public service workers is brought most sharply into focus.

“In rescuing the victims, in treating the injured, in restoring essential services and in comforting those affected, it is the members that public service unions represent who are at the forefront, putting aside their own concerns and needs in order to help others.”

You can read the full letter from UNISON to JICHIRO here.

Similar letters have been sent to other sister unions, including ZENSUIDO, JHCWU, ZENSHOUKYO, JPSU and TOSHIKO.
