Category Archives: Economic Exchange

Fukushima Prefecture publishes ‘United We Stand Fukushima’

The Fukushima International Association has released its inaugural newsletter ‘Gyro: United We Stand Fukushima’.  The Fukushima International Association has set up the newsletter to provide readers of all nationalities with up-to-date information on the present condition of Fukushima prefecture, its people, and the nuclear power plant situation in English.

The association’s Chief Managing Director Mitsuo Yamakawa writes:

In the wake of the disaster the FIA, along with the prefecture’s International division, set up an earthquake information center working to provide foreign residents of the prefecture with information and consultation services in English, Chinese and other languages.

For those people who cannot fully understand Japanese or need assistance, many may be feeling a large amount of anxiety, so to the best of our ability, we want to give those people reassurance and peace of mind.

Government organizations and international exchange groups are working hand in hand to provide various forms of support. Our association’s motto is: ‘With joined hearts, Fukushima wants to open its doors to the world’.

The first issue is available to download from our website here (PDF) in English.
