Category Archives: Economic Exchange

Business Secretary Vince Cable visits Japan to promote trade with the UK

UKTI has posted that Business Secretary Vince Cable arrived in Japan today with a high-level business delegation consisting of a number of large UK firms; British Airways, PA Consulting Group, Thales UK, BAE Systems and the CBI.

According to the article, Vince Cable said:

 “The earthquake has not damaged this relationship in any way. If anything, we are now closer. The fact that more than 450 of our firms operate from Japan is testament to that closeness.

“I want UK companies to see that Japan is still a growing country with a powerful economy and that there are opportunities for them across the board. Whether you work in ICT, life sciences or creative industries, there is plenty of work to be done.”

Whilst he is in Japan, the Business Secretary will visit a range of important Japanese investors in the UK in the automotive and engineering sectors, including Toyota, Nissan, Hitachi, Honda and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries. He will also meet with Japanese Government Ministers and take part in the launch of a joint UKTI/British Airways campaign to revitalise trade and investment links between the UK and Japan following the earthquake.

To read the article in full please click here.

If you are interested in learning more about business links between Japan and the UK as well as how this relates to local government, click here to find out about our Japan Day Seminar being held in Gateshead, July 2011. The seminar will be featuring a series of presentations focusing on economic links between the UK and Japan and how future regional growth could be promoted through global business partnerships.
