Category Archives: Economic Exchange

Governor Fukuda welcomes you to Tochigi Prefecture

Home to the UNESCO World Heritage-designated temples of Nikko, Tochigi has no lack of tourist attractions but the prefecture’s location meant that it did not escape damage from the earthquake in March. With a drop in tourist numbers all over Japan, the governor of Tochigi Prefecture in eastern Japan has issued a letter inviting the world to visit Tochigi Prefecture.

The letter can be read in full on our website here (PDF), but in it the governor expresses his gratitude for all the messages of support and encouragement Tochigi recieved after the disaster. Declared as safe and secure, Tochigi is open for business:

What would be the greatest [form of] encouragement…would be a visit from tourists who come to enjoy and experience Tochigi’s abundant and beautiful natural environment and hot springs, historical and cultural landmarks, and the charms of our local crafts and untainted delicacies.
