Category Archives: Economic Exchange

Newham Council signs Olympic 2012 agreement with NAASH

Newham Council has announced that it will be hosting Team JAPAN for the 2012 Olympics at Stratford Circus arts venue, after signing an agreement with the Japanese sporting organisation NAASH (National Agency for the Advancement of Sports and Health.)

According to the official announcement, Stratford Circus, will be a ‘one-stop shop’ for the Japanese Olympic team, giving athletes access to all the different services and support they will need during the games, including coaches, nutrition specialists and sports psychologists. The support centre is expected to be used as a base for the Japanese athletes during their final reparations for the games.

Newham Mayor Sir Robin Wales said: “We are delighted to welcome the Japanese team to Newham and wish them happy and successful Games.”

The article also quotes Kiyoko Ono, President of NAASH, as saying:

We are very pleased to have signed an agreement with London Borough of Newham today… what Stratford Circus could offer to our Japanese athletes for the final preparation towards the Olympic Games with their high quality facility was very important to us.
