Category Archives: Economic Exchange

Tokyo Tourism Representative encourages people to ‘Yes! Tokyo’

Yes! Tokyo is the title of a stand being manned by the Tokyo Tourism Representative at the HYPER JAPAN 2011 event, Olympia Two, London.

The earthquake and issues surrounding the disaster in March have had a serious effect on tourist numbers to Japan over the past six months. The stand at HYPER JAPAN will allow visitors to experience a taste of Japan now, to prove that those visiting Japan can have the same amazing experience post-March 11 as they had before the disaster.

The stand will include a travel diary and exhibition of scenes from ’Tokyo today’, made up of recent British tourists’ holiday snaps and information on Tokyo’s transport, infrastructure and radiation levels to reassure potential visitors of Tokyo’s safety.

As well as promotional material on visiting Japan, there will also be a message board where attendees of HYPER JAPAN can write messages of support for Japan and Tokyo post-March 11. It is hoped that the stand will help increase the numbers of tourists visiting Japan over the next year.
