Category Archives: Economic Exchange

Creative Tokyo

In cooperation with local authorities and the relevant government offices, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) will to carry out various domestic projects to advance the idea of the “construction of creative hubs”, suggested by the public-private expert panel on creative industries, as a part of the ‘Cool Japan Promotion Strategy Project’.

These include a concept which aims to activate the whole of Japan by reviving the Japanese creative industries through the use of local resources and tourist attractions. As part of this, METI and TMG intend to foster the CREATIVE TOKYO project. METI, Tokyo Metropolitan Government (TMG), the relevant government offices, shopping streets, department stores, developers, academia, related event promoters and nonprofit organizations will all unite with the aims of reviving Tokyo as a brand and activating the other parts of Japan in mind.

As a kickoff event for the full-scale launch of the grand project, METI will be hosting the CREATIVE TOKYO FORUM today November 4. In this symposium, key figures from Asian creative cities, influential debaters and creators will all come together to discuss the potential of the future creative industries, and the revival and reformation of Japanese society.

CREATIVE TOKYO is a concept designed to firmly establish Tokyo as a creative hub in Asia. The metropolis is a city which embodies the Japanese creative industries. This project is an attempt to bring in talented human resources, relevant information and funds from Asia, to create new industries and to further the potential of the Japanese economy. In order to achieve this, Japanese industries, academia, the government and various districts in Tokyo will all unite with these aims in mind.

Furthermore, METI and TMG are carrying out the project TOKYO AUTUMN. TOKYO AUTUMN is the title of the platform which will promote the creative events taking place in Tokyo throughout autumn. Various city districts will unite in order to convey to the rest of the world just how fascinating Tokyo is, and to invigorate the consumption and to attract an international selection of tourists.
