Category Archives: Economic Exchange

Okinawa Day 2012

Okinawa Day 2012 @ Spitalfields, London E1
30th June (Sat) 2012 11:00-18:00
Admission Free

Okinawa Day 2011 at Spitalfields saw an amazing success with over 8,000 visitors and numerous press coverage. Due to such success and demand, the Committee of Okinawa Day is returning to hold another fantastic Okinawa Day 2012 with venue partner, Spitalfields, which has a vast experience of hosting very popular events such as the annual Spitalfields Music Festival and the Japan Matsuri.

The mission for Okinawa Day 2012 is to promote Okinawan culture further in the UK in order to strengthen our existing relationship between the UK and Okinawa which has been established through previous Okinawa Day events. It would also very much like to encourage more and more UK audiences to participate in future Okinawan-related events and to create an Okinawan cultural hub in the UK.

More information.
