Category Archives: Economic Exchange

Japanese Garden Party, Hammersmith Park


Hammersmith Park is all that remains of the 1910 Japan-British Exhibition in White City, but few know it is a Japanese garden. Now an avenue of stone lanterns and a wooden entrance gate are being installed to celebrate the park’s Japanese origins.

To mark the event, Japan Society, together with the Embassy of Japan and the Friends of Hammersmith Park, are hosting an afternoon of activities and music on Sunday July 29.   Expect taiko drumming, ramen, and family-friendly activities such as origami and calligraphy and much more.  For further enquiries, visit the Japan Society of London website.

The regeneration of Hammersmith Garden and the Garden Party were made possible by generous donations from Japanese businesses in the UK, alongside significant support from Hammersmith and Fulham Council, the Japan Society, the Friends of Hammersmith Park and the local community.
