Category Archives: International Exchange

Celebrating Japanese investment links in the North East of England

A special conference will be held at Sunderland’s Stadium of Light next month to celebrate the positive impact of Japanese investment in the North East of England.  The October 15 North East Economic Forum event, held in association with the Embassy of Japan, will also look at how the region can play its part in the rebalancing of the UK’s national economy, a debate mirrored in Japan as it attempts its own regional revitalization agenda.

Chaired by broadcaster Adam Boulton, the conference will be addressed by Japanese Ambassador HE Keiichi Hayashi, Treasury Minister Lord Jim O’Neill, Shadow Business Secretary Angela Eagle MP, Transport minister Andrew Jones MP and Northern Powerhouse minister James Wharton MP.  Philip Rycroft, Head of the UK Governance Group at the Cabinet Office, will outline the current UK Government devolution agenda, while the regional dimension will be addressed by senior representatives of the CBI, North East Chamber of Commerce, TUC, EEF, the Local Enterprise Partnerships and Business Durham.

The event will also hear from senior representatives of local Japanese employers Nissan, Fuji Film and Komatsu, with Sunderland City Council leader and Key Cities group chair Cllr Paul Watson assessing their contribution to the region’s economic dynamism.

The event starts with a buffet lunch/networking session from 12 noon, with the conference commencing at 1pm and closing at 4pm.
