Category Archives: International Exchange

New report highlights role of culture for Tokyo promotion ahead of 2020

A landmark report on how cities can invest in and promote their own cultural offer has been launched at the 2015 World Cities Culture Summit. Hosted by the Mayor of London Boris Johnson at City Hall and venues across the capital, this will see three days of high level talks aimed at sharing experience and expertise across 31 leading cities, including founder member Tokyo, which joined the network at inception in 2012.

Ahead of the report’s launch at a reception held in London’s iconic Shard, Boris Johnson said: “Whilst we make the case for the economic impact of culture and creativity, last Friday’s horrific attacks in Paris, including on significant cultural venues like the Bataclan concert hall, strengthen our belief in their importance to the life and success of our cities. Culture is the heartbeat of urban centres, a priceless asset that informs, educates, entertains and brings people together, making them wonderful places to live in. In welcoming city leaders from around the world this week we are underlining a shared commitment to putting culture at the centre of our plans for the future development of our cities.”

Produced by the World Cities Culture Forum, 150 artists, business leaders, entrepreneurs and politicians and opinion formers were asked for their views on the challenges and opportunities facing their cities and how culture can address them. These include cities which see culture as helping to promote them globally, including Dubai, Shenzhen and Tokyo, the latter realising the potential created by hosting the 2020 Olympics and Paralympics.

BOP Consulting, the specialist firm which researched and wrote the report said: “The World Cities Culture Report 2015 shows that all leading cities around the world are now taking culture seriously as an important item on the urban growth agenda. The report is designed as a useful tool for developing more wide-reaching policies on culture and sustainable growth.”

You can download the report in full here.
