Category Archives: International Exchange

CLAIR Unveils Redesigned English Homepage

New features, cleaner design, better usability, and enhanced content

Tokyo, Japan (28 March 2016) — The Council of Local Authorities for International Relations (CLAIR) announced today the launch of a new, redesigned version of its English homepage, Key features of the redesign include a cleaner and more attractive design, improved navigation, and enhanced content.

Among the new additions, the best practices section is a database of case studies featuring in-depth information about successful projects initiated by local governments throughout Japan. Read about how Saitama prefecture succeeded in decreasing healthcare costs for residents through health promotion or how Utazu Town in Kagawa prefecture effectively revived historical Japanese buildings as holiday accommodations to promote international tourism, as well as many more local government success stories. The new improved homepage will also allow users to find out about all of CLAIR’s internationalisation efforts including sister city support, local government official training programmes, multilingual support for international residents of Japan, and the JET Programme.

“Our mission at CLAIR is to support local governments in Japan as they strive towards internationalisation. A big part of this is building relationships around the world.” said Yasuhiko Tanabe, Secretary General at CLAIR. “This new, redesigned English homepage provides a platform for people all over the world to learn about CLAIR as well as local governance and internationalisation in Japan, and it is our hope that it will help local governments across the world forge relationships with their counterparts here in Japan.”

This new enhanced homepage is the direct result of engaging with stakeholders and gaining valuable feedback. Why not visit CLAIR’s revamped English homepage today and see the improvements for yourself?

PDF of this press release
