Category Archives: International Exchange

The Development, Persistence and Success of Entrepreneurial Ecosystems – Cardiff University Workshop

27 March 2020, 09.30-16.30
Cardiff University

Building on the ESRC-funded UK-Japan project “Entrepreneurial and Innovation Ecosystems – Place-based policy scenarios and options”, the workshop aims to share, exchange, and develop research and ideas about Entrepreneurial Ecosystems. Bringing together academic, industry, and policy perspectives from Wales, the UK, the OECD and elsewhere, to learn about institutional contexts, local practices, and experiences from a wide range of ecosystems, speakers are from Cardiff University, Cardiff Capital City Region, Delio, Centre for Cities, the OECD, Universities of Edinburgh, Glasgow, Oxford, Sheffield and Sheffield Hallam, and Technische Universitat Berlin. 

For more details and to register, please visit the Eventbrite page.
