Category Archives: International Exchange

Asian Network of Major Cities 21 Plenary Concludes in Tokyo

The 9th Plenary Meeting of the Asian Network of Major Cities 21 (ANMC21) has concluded in Tokyo following a discussion around the future environmental and economic challenges faced by urban areas in Asia and the signing of the ‘Tokyo Declaration’ on closer future working between them. The meeting, held 7-9 November, is the annual summit for ANMC21, an international network of Asian capital and major cities. The network undertakes a number of joint projects on common tasks regarding crisis management, environmental countermeasures and industrial development, and applying the outcome for the prosperity/development of the Asian region.

This year’s plenary meeting, hosted by Tokyo Metropolitan Government, was held on the theme of economic exchange between members, alongside the Tokyo Industry Exhibition 2010. As well as hearing updates on work undertaken in support of projects to promote Asian tourism, low carbon regional aviation capacity and disease prevention, attendees also discussed cleaner urban environments, low carbon cities, technological development and public-private partnerships.

Following the plenary sessions, the city leaders signed the ‘Tokyo Declaration’ on the future development of ANMC21:

We, the representatives of Bangkok, Delhi, Hanoi, Jakarta, Kuala Lumpur, Metropolitan Manila, Seoul, Singapore, Taipei, Tokyo, and Yangon, participated in the 9th Plenary Meeting of ANMC21 held in Tokyo from November 8 to 9, 2010. At this start of the tenth year of the ANMC21, we looked back on the initiatives we have taken to date and had open and friendly discussions on the direction that should be taken by our Network from here on.

Upon the close of this meeting, through collective and common understanding achieved in our discussions thus far, we hereby declare the following:

1. Since the establishment of the Network in 2001, we have successfully promoted solidarity and cooperation among the capitals and major cities of Asia, which serve as the powerhouses of this region. We have implemented joint projects to address common challenges facing our cities, and have made steady accomplishments in areas including the development and promotion of a small to medium-sized jet passenger plane, sharing of expertise in crisis management and measures against infectious diseases, and exchanges in sports, culture, and the performing arts. We will work for further prosperity of the Asian region by continuing to implement joint projects.

2. Economic growth and the progression of urbanization in Asia are giving rise to increasingly serious concerns about water quality, air pollution, waste disposal, and other issues related to the urban environment. There are also demands for implementation of environmental measures on a global scale, such as realizing a low-carbon society. Under the awareness that it is the responsibility of cities to take the
lead in implementing pioneering initiatives, we will share knowledge and experiences among us, and will aim to become cities in harmony with the environment through cooperation and collaboration over a broad spectrum including private enterprises and the citizenry.

3. The rich potentials of Asia are now flowering, and our region has taken on a significant role in the world economy. To ensure the continuous growth of Asia, it is essential to promote the development of new technologies and bolster cross-border collaboration between private enterprises. We shall deepen economic exchange between the cities through activities of the ANMC21, which will include the provision of opportunities for cities to introduce to each other their industries and technologies.

4. In order to resolve these challenges and achieve sustained prosperity in the Asian region, city exchange should not be limited to only conventional government-to-government programs. Rather, it should also embrace active involvement of a wide-range of entities such as private enterprise and the citizenry. We, the member cities of the ANMC21, will study concrete measures at working-level meetings, promote public-private cooperation, share best practices, and establish multifaceted, cooperative relations in a variety of areas including economy, culture, and development of human resources.

5. The 10th Plenary Meeting of ANMC21 will be held in Seoul at an appropriate date in 2011.

The declaration and press release on the conclusion of the plenary can be downloaded here.
