Category Archives: International Exchange

Statement from the Lord Mayor of the City of London Michael Bear on the Japanese earthquake and tsunami

Press release of the City of London Corporation, reprinted in full:

The Lord Mayor of the City of London Michael Bear comments on the earthquake and tsunami in Japan ahead of his visit to Malaysia, Taiwan and Vietnam on Saturday (12 March).

The Lord Mayor of the City of London Michael Bear, who takes a business delegation to Malaysia, Taiwan and Vietnam tomorrow (12 March), said:

”I know Japan and the affected area well and was deeply sorry to hear about the devastating earthquake and Tsunami this morning.

Many people in the City work daily with colleagues and clients in Japan and neighbouring countries and our thoughts and prayers are with all those affected.

As an engineer my charity appeal this year supports RedR, the rescue relief charity that sends trained experts to help in such disasters, and they are on full stand-by at this moment ready to help.

I know the UK Government has offered to do what it can to help and as I head to South East Asia in the next days, the tragedy will be at the forefront of my mind.”
