Category Archives: International Exchange

Ageing population: what can the UK learn from overseas?

This week’s Guardian Society supplement features a piece by former Japan Study Tour participant Hannah Fearn on transferable policy lessons for the UK from overseas on how to cope with the challenges posed by an ageing society.  The article includes commentary on a ‘zero isolation’ project in Japan by JLGC’s Andrew Stevens and can be read here.

In addition a forthcoming Japan Foundation seminar on March 7 (13.30-16.00 with reception to follow) will focus on the ethnic dimensions of ageing in the UK, and seeks to introduce new ideas and practices to cope with ageing issues. Confirmed speakers are: Professor Michael Keith (University of Oxford) who will discuss migration and ageing; Professor Chris Phillipson (University of Manchester), who will discuss research into ageing and ethnicity; Dr Siew-Peng Lee (Brunel University), who will discuss the experiences of elderly Chinese in the UK; and Professor Itsuko Toyama (Kanamoto) (St. Andrew’s University, Japan) and Atsuko Takenaka (the Japan Association in the UK) who together will discuss the findings of a recent quantitative survey on elderly Japanese living in the UK. The seminar and research is under the auspices of the Embassy of Japan in the UK, and is supported by the Japan Foundation, the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science and St. Andrew’s University (Momoyama Gakuin University), Japan. For more details please visit the Japan Foundation website.
