Category Archives: About JLGC

Visit to London

By Nobuharu Hikiba

Officers of the Japan Local Government Centre accompanied assembly members and directors from Tokyo Metropolitan Government on several visits to London-based bodies on January 29 and February 1, alongside the successful Tokyo City Promotion event held during the weekend of 30/31 January. Visits by TMG directors were made to the Greater London Authority and Visit London on January 29 to discuss challenges and policies for tourism promotion in both cities.

Tokyo assembly members were able to visit the the Royal Borough of Richmond upon Thames on February 1. Topics discussed included consumer protection/fair trading and education management. In addition to a visit to the local authority, hosted by council leader Cllr Serge Lourie, they were also able to visit Orleans Park School, where pupils and teachers greeted them with homemade gifts and performances, as well as an overview of lessons in the school.
