Category Archives: About JLGC

Visit to Norfolk

Two of our newest staff members, Yuji Akaike and Miho Shikano, visited Norfolk County Council to undertake a work placement for one week. They met the Leader of the Council, Daniel Cox (who took part in the last year’s Japan Study Tour in Hokkaido) and the Vice-Chairman, Shelagh Hutson.

They were able to visit several areas of the council inside the County Hall including Democratic Services, Economic Development and Strategy, and Finance to see how the inside of a local authority in the United Kingdom works. They were also able to visit the Archive Centre as well visit local places of interest such as Great Yarmouth, Wroxham Barns and the Broads, a network of mostly navigable rivers and lakes.

While they were there our staff were able to sit in on council sessions including a Regional Infrastructure Funders Group meeting, where the aim of the meeting was “improving commissioning with the Third Sector”. They were able to learn about the general overview of the governance in the county, decision-making, tourism, budgets as well as many other areas. The placement allowed JLGC staff to really experience a local authority and its everyday issues.

We would like to extend our thanks to Norfolk County Council and everyone who our staff met there for a wonderful work placement.
