Category Archives: About JLGC

Japan Study Tour on the Guardian Public Website

JLGC’s annual Japan Study Tour has resulted in two articles on the Guardian Public website, written by site editor and participant on the JST 2010 trip to Tokyo and Kyoto,  Jane Dudman.

The first article (here) is on financial pressures in Japanese local government, while the second (here) is on environmental policies introduced by the regional level government of Kyoto Prefecture.

Japan Study Tour is a 10-day research trip looking at local government policy in the regions of Japan, starting off with an introduction to the Council of Local Authorities for International Relations (CLAIR, JLGC’s parent organisation) and the role it plays in international activities and representing Japan’s local authorities overseas. The tour then moves on to a host prefecture, every year the tour taking the theme of areas in policy the host prefecture is introducing and developing.

Details of the tour for 2011 will be available on the JLGC website in the new year, or to receive details including the application process, sign up to JLGC’s e-newsletter on the office’s website main page here.
