Category Archives: About JLGC

Visit to Hartlepool

JLGC Assistant Director Yoshihisa Ogawa and Research Manager Andrew Stevens visited Hartlepool in the North East this week to meet with the organisers of the Tall Ships Race 2010 and find out about the bid for and organisation of the races which were held earlier in the year, particularly its economic impact on the town. Mr Ogawa is currently researching a report on local authority policies for tourism promotion as part of local economic development.

Mr Ogawa’s visit was featured in a press release by Hartlepool Borough Council and an article the local newspaper Hartlepool Mail (as well as on regional TV news). The press release quotes Hartlepool’s Mayor Stuart Drummond as saying, “To have generated interest in the project from as far afield as Japan is a tremendous accolade for the council and all the partner organisations that contributed to the event.”

The Tall Ships’ Races are an internationally acclaimed annual competition organised by Sail Training International and held every summer in European waters.
