Category Archives: About JLGC

JLGC at the Japan Matsuri 2011, 18 September

The first large-scale urban matsuri took place in London’s historic Spitalfields Market in September 2009. Previously Matsuri had taken place in Hyde Park (1991 and 2001) but this was the first time a Japanese community celebration was held in the middle of a thriving modern mixed commercial and residential area. 2009 Japan Matsuri was a vibrant and colourful occasion, which attracted some 35,000 visitors (young and old, Japanese and non-Japanese) and much media coverage including internet blog posts and streamed video.

In 2010, Japan Matsuri extended into Old Spitalfields Market and attracted 50,000 visitors. The 2011 Japan Matsutri will take place at County Hall behind the London Eye, again in September. This year’s Japan Matsuri will be bigger and better! Please come and join JLGC and get a taste of what’s on offer at a traditional style Japanese festival.

For more details about the programme of events, see the Japan Matsuri website.
