All posts by jlgc_en

TOKYO UPDATES: a brand new media platform from Tokyo Metropolitan Government (TMG)

TOKYO UPDATES features a range of information related to Tokyo and the policies of TMG. Composed of articles ranging from interviews to editorial contributed by prominent figures, journalists and independent writers, TOKYO UPDATES is unique in its aim to observe the city of Tokyo through a variety of perspectives, including through the lens of TMG and the people living and working in Tokyo.

From stories about daily life in Tokyo to narration on worldly initiatives Tokyo is implementing to lead global challenges, such as SDGs, TOKYO UPDATES aims to shine a light on the city from a completely new angle and provide an even crystal view of how Tokyo truly is.

And, with Tokyo’s strength as a city being tested, now is the time to show the world the energy of the people who live, work, and learn in Tokyo. Discover the hidden potential of this city and the shape of Tokyo as it contributes to the world through our stories.

Please join TOKYO UPDATES to see the Tokyo of today and how it progresses towards the future.
