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【INFO】Fukushima Revitalisation Information

Revitalisation of Fukushima Prefecture, once severely damaged by the unprecedented compound disaster of earthquake, tsunami and nuclear accident caused by the Great East Japan Earthquake, is progressing steadily. On the other hand, the prefecture also faces distinctive challenges such as the decommissioning of nuclear facilities, harmful rumours and fading public interest.

This website is an official portal site of Fukushima Prefecture to present the current status of Fukushima’s revitalisation. Divided into five categories, including ‘Reconstruction and Revitalisation from the Great East Japan Earthquake,’ we hope that this website will help raise awareness of the current situation in our prefecture among a wide audience.

We will continue to strive for a brighter future for Fukushima, aiming for complete revitalisation from this unprecedented compound disaster under the slogan of ‘Making it a reality, one at a time. Fukushima’. See more details here:

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