

20 years of Japan Study Tour

IMG_1946The Japan Study Tour is an annual programme which aims to promote mutual understating between Japan and European local authorities. JLGC invites applicants from senior level staff of UK/Northern European local government to join this seven day tour to look at the current situation and issues related to Japan’s cities and regions. The first tour was in 1994.

This year’s study tour was in collaboration with Kumamoto City in Kumamoto Prefecture – located in the centre of Kyushu, the southernmost of Japan’s major islands – and provided a great opportunity to learn about the new strategies for economic growth and down-town redevelopment initiatives which have been ignited by the newly opened Shinkansen bullet train line as well as the attainment of special municipal status in 2012.

To mark the 20th anniversary of JST, JLGC will open up the feedback meeting and seminar starting at 10.00 am on Friday 23 January 2015 to all those who have previously been on the tour, and also invite local government professionals working on international strategy to join this event which will provisionally be of the following format:

• Presentation from 2014 Kumamoto tour group
• Q&A/Discussion on JST and the value of participating, outcomes in UK local government
• Keynote speech on the benefits of UK local government partnerships with public and private sector Japan, by an award winning consultant working with UK local government on Japan strategy

The seminar will also be followed by a buffet lunch and networking. If this becomes a popular event we will have to limit numbers, and places will be allocated on a first come first served basis.

Previous JST participants are welcome to attend, as well as local government staff working in international strategy with an interest in Japan. For registrations, please email to confirm the year and the destination of your JST, or role and local authority details for those working in international strategy.

Japan Study Tour 2015 will take place in November next year to Toyota City in Aichi Prefecture (provisional), more details to come in the New Year. To register your details and interest in future tours, please contact JLGC directly.
